jayme lou
4 min readMay 29, 2021

First i would like to say, i am sorry for your loss but you cannot treat Jan 6th the same as 9–11. What type of precedent is that setting. A slippery one that is what. The tragedies are not even worthy of comparison. We are wading through troubling waters my fellow Americans and news bits like this, that are represented out of context are damaging to the societal health of this country and citizens.

~”Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, who engaged rioters, suffered two strokes and died of natural causes, officials say” -The Washington Post ~

This women was not there on Jan 6th. and knows nothing of value or truth on the matter. I feel for her loss and anyone who suffers a loss due to medical illness, it can be a very hard time, as i can relate.

Yet her husband died the day after from a stroke, studies say stress will trigger strokes in some people in some cases. Regardless of it being impossible to prove whether or not, it was bad timing or stress induced. This man was a police officer. His job was stress.

He had to be involved in BLM protests last year in the capitol which where far from peaceful and on par if not worst in violence never mind the lack of moral and the appalling level of disrespect put on display. I remember the videos from it (which YouTube quickly did away with, casting it off into the furthest corners of the web never to be found and seen by the masses again) and in my opinion it was far worst then anything that happened in early 2021.

As I am also sure of Brian Sicknick being involved in many other similarly stressful situations throughout his tenured career, any of which could have triggered this sudden anatomical rupture of life. The thing about strokes, they are like aneurysms, Tick Tock, Tick Tock, BOOM.

Correct me if i am wrong here but was CNN not just pumping the gas on “defund the police” like a few hours ago now they’re talking “back the blue”? Please CNN for the public’s and your own behalf please pick a damn side of the fence and stay there, and why not try being impeccable with your word while your at it, more people should try this in general and maybe our nation would sleep easier at night,

While this women is mourning Brian’s death, taking care of her family, now all alone with addition to the pressure of suddenly becoming thrust in the position as head of household and yet in preference too the latter she is finding the time to propagandize the “armed insurrection” with CNN. All for her 15 seconds of fame.

What about the areas of devastation and destruction left in chaos and confusion, segregated and broken from peaceful protests attended and rallied by the not so charitable BLM in capitol cities across OUR united states?

What started as a positive movement, over the years has turned into a Democrat’s weapon of oppressive powerhousing and bullying. All with the shady financial records too match it. Just the same old charity scam, A bunch of money in, no money going back out to the communities in need of it. They grease the politicians hands, and their hands are greased right back.

Unless you consider the qualification into helping the black communities as structure fire and looting the Texaco on Main street and the Boulevard, meanwhile the founder of BLM is purchasing up a 1.4 million dollar summer home in LA, nowhere near these disparaged neighborhoods her organization is dedicated too helping.

How is any of this helping urban cities colored youth overcome diversity and rise above the situations they are faced with?.

How is this helping anybody, anywhere at anytime?

What about the autonomous zone in Portland, Oregon have you heard anything good coming from that section of our country? Probably not, you probably have heard very little, as is the story with us most because sadly the “media” will only propagate democrat funded material. Not saying conservative media does not do the same thing .As in life, with some things you just have to use deductive reasoning and logic

“COME ON NOW” (BIDEN VOICE) they are purposely trying to turn “YOU” against “ME” over something that, mind you while yes that it did happen, clearly it didn’t happen the way certain people, places and things are trying to claim are the true series of events that ensued. Like many things in these days and age.

Just like everything else that Fox news and CNN report polar opposite opinions on, non-remorsefully attacking each-other, Fueling the American people to follow suit. All we do and think and care is for, of, by and because the media!!!

Please cross media reference everything! Never believe either side and be wary and hesitant of anything too good to be true. Because it always is.

*cough Biden’s presidency cough*

Excuse me.

Jayme Lou



jayme lou

I am a Father, Husband to be, Son, Brother, Woodworker, Friend. I have a whole lot to say. So I am here to say it.